Welcome to
De Silva Empire Limited

Our Main Goal is to Meet Clients Expectations

At De Silva Empire, our aim is simple. We are here to ensure that the people we value, our tenants/Landlords/clients, are looked after and guided in the best way possible, whether you are selling, letting, buying or renting.

We appreciate you for doing business with us.

Well lit room with modern decor
Elegant kitchen space

For Landlords:

We can manage your properties or we can manage and pay guaranteed rent and make sure your properties have the best professional tenants and maintain the property.

Warm living room

For Tenants:

Looking for properties or Rooms?

We have rooms or properties available around London for professionals or students. All properties are well looked after by De Silva Empire maintenance team.

Please get in touch with us,
we look forward to assisting your needs

Email: info@desilvaempire.co.uk

Telephone: 020 8281 2099

Mobile: 07741317603